Dana Ramon Kapelian / Photography Exhibition
14 October - 02 November, 2011
Opening 14 October, Fri. 6:00pm
Gallery Gahoedon60
In this exhibition I bring together photographs shot in three different places in Paris.
All photos share a common word describing a happy incident, an unexpected event: Serendipity, a word as long as
the flow of a river in spring, full of surprises.
Common things we pass by daily without noticing, can get a different meaning, an instant of grace when captured.
L'affiche rouge n°2_Pigment print on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag_426x560mm_2008
L'affiche rouge n°3_Pigment print on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag_426x560mm_2008
L'affiche rouge n°14_Pigment print on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag_426x560mm_2008
The still lives were taken on a film set: L'affiche rouge by Robert Guédiguian. A film about the foreign resistance
in Paris during the nazi occupation, 1942 - 1945.
In images from a contemporary construction site, sometimes I used blurs to show the poetry of inanimate
object compositions, expressing how a piece of rope, a fence or a few wood blocks can become subjects in the eye
of the beholder, instead of functional items or trash abandoned on the ground.
Construction site n°1_Pigment print on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag_426x560mm_2007
Construction site n°4_Pigment print on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag_426x560mm_2007
Construction site n°9_Pigment print on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag_426x560mm_2007
They dance as if they are praying, possessed, in a trance. In these photos I tried to capture the essence,
the spirit tange dance.
If I had to define these three bodies of work in one sentence it would be:
all things have the meaning we attribute them.
The repetition n°5_Pigment print on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag_427x560mm_2006
The repetition n°6_Pigment print on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag_560x427mm_2006
The repetition n°9_Pigment print on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag_560x427mm_2006
serendipity |ˌserənˈdipitē|
the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way
: a fortunate stroke of serendipity | a series of small serendipities.
serendipitous |-ˈdipitəs| adjective
serendipitously adverb
ORIGIN 1754: coined by Horace Walpole, suggested by The Three Princes of Serendip, the title of a fairy tale in which the heroes “were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things they were not in quest of.”
The repetition n°1_Pigment print on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag_420x960mm_2006
이번 전시에서 나는 파리에서의 다른 세 장소에서 찍은 사진들을 함께 구성하여 전시한다.
모든 사진들은 행복한 순간이라던가 예상치 못한 사건들을 표현하는 하나의 공통된 단어-Serendipity-로 일맥상통한다. “Serendipity: 뜻밖의 기쁨’ 은 봄이 되면 흐르는 강물 만큼이나 놀라움으로 가득 차 있는 단어이다. 늘 우리는 순간을 포착했을 때 다른 의미, 혹은 순간의 아름다움을 가질 수 있는 일상의 것들을 인식하지 못한 채 지나친다.
세 가지 주제 중 첫 번째 주제인 <L'affiche rouge>의 스틸 컷 들은 Robert Guédiguian 감독의 <붉은 벽보 L'affiche rouge>영화 세트장에서 찍은 것이다. 이 영화는 나치 점령기인 1942-1945년 파리에서 활동하던 외국인 레지스탕스에 대한 내용이다.
두 번째 주제인 <Construction site>는 현대 건축물 건설현장에서 만든 이미지들이다. 때때로 나는 밧줄 조각이나 울타리, 혹은 나무 토막들이 그저 현장에서 뒹구는 기능적인 물품이나 쓰레기로서가 아니라 관찰자의 시각에서 바라본 완성도를 가진 하나의 작품으로 보여지게 하기 위해 초점을 흐려버리기도 하였다.
세 번째 주제는 <The repetition>으로 세 명의 젊은 댄서들의 매우 강렬한 리허설 현장이다. 그들은 무언가에 홀린 듯 무아지경 속에서 기도하고 있다. 이 작품들에서 나는 영적 탱고댄스의 정점을 표현하려고 노력했다.
만일 내가 이 세가지 주제의 작업을 한 문장으로 정의해야 한다면 이것이다. 모든 것들은 우리가 그것들을 에게 부여하는 의미를 가지고 있다고.. ■ Dana Ramon Kapelian
ser·en·dip·i·ty |ˌserənˈdipitē|
〔The Three Princes of Serendip라는 옛 이야기에서;주인공이 찾아도 없는 보물을 우연히 발견한 데서〕 noun.
1. 우연히 발견하는 능력
2. [pl.] 운수 좋은 뜻밖의 발견(물)
serendipi·tous |-ˈdipitəs| adjective
serendipi·tously adverb
Dana Ramon Kapelian
Visual artist, photographer, Iconographer, Artistic Director
Born in 1963 in Haifa, Israel
1986-1989 Studies at the San Francisco Art Institute
Winner of the Merit Scholarship in 1987
Winner of the Sobel Scholarship in 1988
1982-1985 Modeling and jewelry designer
1983-1989 Residences in London, New York, Santa cruz and San Francisco
1989-2010 Paris, France
Solo Exhibition
2011 Serendipity, Photography, Gallery Gahoedong60, Seoul, Korea
2001 Red, Painting, Manoir de la Roseraie, Grignan, France
2000 Housewives, Installation, Musea da Republica, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
1992 Depths, Paintings, Manoir La Roseraie, Grignan, France
Group Exhibition
2009 DISORDER, Installation, Atelier 13 Paris, France,
with Jeff Manzetti, Julianne Rose, Pucci de Rossi, Daniel Kapelian
2004 Boxes and Cages, Installation, La Gaite Lyrique, Paris, France
11991 Contemporary Israeli Art, Paintings, Synthese Museum Munich and Ingolstadt, Germany
Editorial Projects
2011 The Ajumma Project Book + expo (in development)
2009-2010 The Age of Water (in development)
3 books (paper and digital) on the history of water and of men, economy, ecology and geopolitics of the water, solutions and innovations for the future of water.
A website with a collection of 100 short films. A documentary by reference 90 '.
The Gift (in development)
1 book on the customs and rituals of the gift, exchange, philanthropy and patronage through
the ages and civilizations.
Direction Artistic, Iconography
2008-2009 100,000 Years of Beauty
A history of human beauty, from prehistory to the twenty-first century in 5 volumes,
1400 pages and 700 photos.
Written by 300 contributors from 35 countries directed by Elisabeth Azoulay.
Published by Gallimard and Babylon Editions, with the support and participation
of the L'Oréal Corporate Foundation.