NON FRAME _ 金鍾輝 展 김종휘 전
2010년 10월 29일(금) ~ 11월 6일(토)
서울시 종로구 가회동 60번지 T. 02-3673-0585
관람시간 am 11:00 ~ pm 7:00 / 월요일 휴관
밀연_111x91cm_oil on canvas_1979
<향리>는 고향을 이르는 말이다. 고 김종휘 화백이 생애를통해 애착깊게 다루어왔던 소재가 다름아닌 고향의 이미지였다는 것은잘 알려진 사실이다. 그는 <현대미술가협회>와 같은 실험적인 단체의 멤버로 출발하였으나 70년대 이후에 오면서 그 독자의 세계에 침잠하였으며 이 무렵에 집중적으로 창작된 것이 고향의 이미지였다. 그는 고향의 이미지를 다루었을 뿐 아니라 서양화의 매체로 수묵 산수를 연상시키는 독특한 화풍을 추구하였다. 활달한 붓질과 투명한 공간의 창조는 일필휘지의 문인화의 경지를 방불케한 것이었다. 방법상으론 동양화풍의 서양화라 칭할수 있으며 동시에 활달한 서체풍의 운필은 오랜 문방 문화에서 맛볼 수 있는 서권기마저 풍겨준 것이었다. 서양화의 토착화라는 화두가 심심치 않게 대두되는 가운데서 그의 방법이 시사하는 바가 적지 않음을 새삼 자각하게 한다.
2008년 전시서문 중 _ 오광수(미술평론가)
향리_130x97cm_oil on canvas_1999
향리_30x60.6cm_oil on canvas_1979
For the opening of Hyangli Gallery - from the preface of 2008 exhibition
‘Hyang-li’ in literal sense means home village. It is widely known that images of Hyang-li have been the theme of Kim Jong-Hwi's landscape paintings throughout his life. Although Kim Jong-Hwi began his career as a member of Contemporary Artists Association, which had been founded as an experimental group, he began the pursuit of his unique style in the early 1970's, as he started to focus on the theme of Hyang-li. His art is unique not only in the images of Hyang-li, but also in the explorations of the sensibility of traditional Korean landscape paintings entirely using western media. His brisk brush work and creation of a transparent space on canvas evoke traditional Korean paintings known to be popular among literary artists. From the methodological point of view, his works can be described as western paintings in eastern sensibility. He was a true pioneer in fusing the east and the west at a time that western styles of painting were firmly implanted in the art world.
Kwang-Su Oh (art critic /Chairman of The Art Council Korea)
김종휘 金鍾輝 Kim Jong-Hwi
1957홍익대학교 회화과 졸업
1983대한민국 미술대전 심사위원 (양화부문분과위원장)
1983~85한국미술협회 서양화 분과위원장 겸 이사
1993홍익대학교 정년퇴임 (조형대학장역임)
1959. 3. 17 - 3. 24 인천, 항도다방
1960. 12. 7 - 12. 13 인천, 은성다실
1966. 12. 6 - 12. 12 인천, 학다실
1974. 10. 5 - 10. 11 서울, 신문회관
1977. 10. 14 - 10. 19 서울, 현대화랑 사간전시장
1979. 6. 19 - 6. 24 서울, 신세계미술관
1983. 11. 1 - 11. 6 서울, 신세계미술관
1987. 9. 22 - 9. 28 서울, 동산방화랑
1989. 10. 30 - 11. 8 서울, 샘화랑
2008. 6. 20 - 6. 29 서울, 향리
2009. 5. 6 – 6. 3 서울, 가회동60 스페이스향리
2010. 10. 29 - 11. 6 서울, 가회동60
그룹전 및 기획전
1957 현대미술가협회전(회원)
1958-60 현대작가초대전, 경복궁미술관
1962-68 제1-9회 신상전, 경복궁미술관
1970-80 제5-24회 구상전, 미술회관 등
1971 한국현대중견작가초대전, 동경
1976 서양화100인초대전, 문화화랑
1976 소협20인전, 희화랑
1976 유화초대전, 희화랑
1977 서양화30인전, 길화랑
1977 서양화56인전, 한국화랑
1978 아세아현대미술전, 동경
1979 제1회 화랑미술제, 선화랑
1979 제2회 미술단체초대연립전, 국립현대미술관
1979 제2회 중앙미술대전, 국립현대미술관
1979 한국미술오늘의방법전, 미술회관
1979 한국수채화9인전, 샘터화랑
1980 제1회 국제미술교류전초대, 세종문화회관
1980 홍익현대미술초대전, 홍익대박물관
1981 한국미술 ‘81전, 국립현대미술관
1981 국립현대미술관건립기금조성전, 국립현대미술관
1981 서양화가의눈으로본한국의자연전, 국립현대미술관
1982 한국미술대상전
1982 한중현대서화전, 국립현대미술관
1982 현역작가초대전, 동덕미술관
1983-92 현대미술초대전, 국립현대미술관
1983 한중일수채화교류전
1983 한중현대서화전, 대만
1984 33인의스켓치전, 동방미술관
1984 제18회 한국미술협회전, 국립현대미술관
1985 한국의수채화전, 미술회관
1985 ‘85한국현대서화전, 국립현대미술관
1985 이전기념전, 예총회관전시장
1985 제19회 한국미술협회전, 국립현대미술관
1986 한국현대미술의어제와오늘전, 국립현대미술관
1985, 89 KBS 초대미전
1989 ‘88한국현대미술전, 국립현대미술관
1990-92 ‘90 ‘92 현대미술초대전, 국립현대미술관
1990 한국미술-오늘의상황전, 예술의전당
1991 ‘90신소장품전, 국립현대미술관
1991-2001 찾아가는 미술관, 국립현대미술관
1993 전관개관기념현대미술전, 예술의전당
1994 서울국제현대미술제, 국립현대미술관
1996-2000 대한민국 원로작가초대전, 한국미술협회
1999 한국미술 99전 - 인간,자연,사물, 국립현대미술관
2003 70년대회화정신전, 조선화랑
2008 향리-Reminiscence, 향리 개관기념전
2008 불가능한 귀향, 가회동60_스페이스향리
Kim Jong-Hwi
1957 B.F.A, Department of Painting, CollegeofFineArts,Hong-IkUniversity
1983 Judge, Grand Art Exhibition of Korea/DirectorofPaintingCommittee
1983~85 Director of Painting Committee, The Korean Fine Arts Association
1993 Retired from professorship and Dean of Design and ArtCollege,
Hong-Ik University
2001 Deceased
Solo Exhibitions
1959. 3. 17 - 3. 24Incheon, Hang-do Cafe
1960. 12. 7 - 12. 13Incheon, Eun-sung Cafe
1966. 12. 6 - 12. 12Incheon, Hak Cafe
1974. 10. 5 - 10. 11Seoul,ThePressUnionHall
1977. 10. 14 - 10. 19Sagan-dong, Seoul,GalleryHyundai
1979. 6. 19 - 6. 24Seoul,ShinsegaeGallery
1983. 11. 1 - 11. 6Seoul,ShinsegaeGallery
1987. 9. 22 - 9. 28Seoul,DongsanbangGallery
1989. 10. 30 - 11. 8Seoul,SamGallery
2008. 6. 20 - 6. 29Seoul,GalleryHyangli
2009. 5. 6 – 6. 3Seoul,Gahoedong60SpaceHyangli
Group and Invitational Exhibitions
1957 Exhibition of the Contemporary Artists’ Association (member)
1958-60 Invited Exhibition of Contemporary Artist, KyeongbokgungArtmuseum
1962-68 The 1st-9th Shinsangjeon, KyeongbokgungArtmuseum
1970-80 The 5th-24th Kusangjeon, KoreanFineArtAssociationCenter,etc
1971 Invited Exhibition of Korean Contemporary middle standing artist, Tokyo
1976 Invited Exhibition of 100 Painting Artists, Culture Gallery
1976 Sohyup 20 Artists Exhibition, Hee Gallery
1976 Invited Exhibition of Oil painting, Hee Gallery
1977 30 Artists’ Paintings Exhibition, GilGallery
1977 56 Artists’ Paintings Exhibition, Korea Gallery
1978 Asian Contemporary Art Exhibition, Tokyo
1979 The 1st Gallery Art Fair, Sun Gallery
1979 The 2nd Invited Exhibition Art Organization,
National MuseumofContemporaryArt,Korea
1979 The 2nd Grand Exhibition of Joongang Arts,
National MuseumofContemporaryArt,Korea
1979 Exhibition of Korean Contemporary Arts’ methodology,
Korean FineArtAssociationCenter
1979 9 Artists’ Korean Water Color Painting Exhibition, Wellside Gallery
1980 The 1st Invited Exhibition of International Art Exchange, SejongCenter
1980 Invited Exhibition of Hong-ik Contemporary Art, Hong-ikUniversityMuseum
1981 Korean Art in 1981, NationalMuseumofContemporaryArts,Korea
1981 Korean Nature by Painting Artists’ sight,
National MuseumofContemporaryArt,Korea
1982 Grand Award Exhibition of Korean Arts
1982 Korean-Chinese Contemporary Paintings and Writings Exhibition,
National MuseumofContemporaryArt,Korea
1982 Invited Exhibition of Acting Artists, The DongdukArtGallery
1983-92 Invited Exhibition of the Contemporary Arts,
National MuseumofContemporaryArt,Korea
1983 Art Exchange Exhibition of Korean-Chinese-Japanese Water Color Paintings
1983 Korean-Chinese Contemporary Paintings and Writings Exhibition, Taiwan
1984 Drawing Exhibition of 33 Artists, DongbangArtGallery
1984 The 18th Exhibition of Korean Fine Arts Association,
National MuseumofContemporaryArt,Korea
1985 Water Color Paintings in Korea,KoreanFineArtAssociationCenter
1985 Korean Contemporary Paintings and Writings Exhibition 1985,
National MuseumofContemporaryArt,Korea
1985 Exhibition of Moving Commemoration,
Federation of Artistic and Cultural Organization of Korea
1985 The 19th Exhibition of Korean Fine Arts Association,
National MuseumofContemporaryArt,Korea
1986 Korean Contemporary Arts Exhibition,
National MuseumofContemporaryArt,Korea
1985, 89 Invited Exhibition of Korean Broadcasting System
1988 Korean Contemporary Arts Exhibition 1988,
National MuseumofContemporaryArt,Korea
1990-92 Invited Exhibition of the Contemporary Arts 1990, 1992,
National MuseumofContemporaryArt,Korea‘90‘92
1990 Korean art Now, SeoulArtCenter
1991 New Collection 1990, NationalMuseumofContemporaryArt,Korea
1991-2001 Traveling Art Museum, NationalMuseumofContemporaryArt,Korea
1993 Contemporary Art Exhibition of Opening Commemoration, Seoul ArtCenter
1994 SeoulInternationalContemporaryArtsFestival,
National MuseumofContemporaryArt,Korea
1996-2000 Invited Exhibition of Korean Magnate Artists,
Korean Fine Arts Association
1999 Korean Art 99 Exhibition–Human, Nature, Object,
National MuseumofContemporaryArt,Korea
2003 Fine Arts Spirit of 1970’s, Chosun Gallery
2008 Hyangli-Reminiscence, Gallery Hyangli
2008 Nostomania, GAHOEDONG60 Space Hyangli